177-192AD: Commodus "More savage than Domitian, more foul than Nero". 193AD: Pertinax "The Emperor who was murdered by the Praetorian guard"193AD: Didius Julianus "The man who paid to become Emperor" 193-194AD: Pescennius Niger "The Black Emperor" Timeline195-197AD: Claudius Albinus "The Emperor who made a bad deal..." 193-211AD: Septimius Severus "Emperor who increased the Praetorian Guards to 50,000"198-217AD: Caracalla "The common enemy of mankind." Timeline 209-212AD: Geta "The hated brother of Caracalla..." Timeline217-218AD: Macrinus "The Praetorian guard who killed Caracalla..." 218AD: Diadumenian "The Boy-Caesar - killed when he was 10 years old"218-222AD: Elagabalus "He married a Vestal Virgin and then took a husband..." 222-238AD: Alexander Severus "He who revoked all former edicts against the Christians"235-238AD: Maximinus Thrax "The Thug..." Roan Emperors Timeline 238AD: Gordian I "The Octogenarian..." Timeline238AD: Gordian II "Co-Emperor with his father" 238AD: Balbinus "The Orator and Poet..." Roman Emperors Timeline238AD: Pupienus "The Disciplinarian..." Timeline 238-244AD: Gordian III "Grandson Of Gordian I and Nephew Of Gordian II"244-249AD: Philip the Arab "Philip and Severa - the first Christian imperial couple" 244-249AD: Philip II "The boy emperor who died in his mother's arms"248AD: Pacatian "The Usurper from Bulgaria..." Timeline 248AD: Jotapian "The Usurper from Syria..." Roman Emperors Timeline249-251AD: Trajan Decius "One of the most cruel persecutors of the Christians" 251AD: Herennius Etruscus "Killed by a Goth's arrow" Roman Emperors Timeline251AD: Hostilian "The Emperor who died from the Plague" Roman Emperors Timeline 251-253AD: Trebonianus Gallus "The Emperor, the Plague, the Persians and the mutiny"253AD: Aemilian "Three months as Emperor, then death" Roman Emperors Timeline 253-260AD: Valerian "The Emperor who was skinned and stuffed with manure"253-268AD: Gallienus "Famine, Plague and the 'Thirty Tyrants" Roman Emperors Timeline 268-270AD: Claudius II (Gothicus) "He fought the Goths, the Vandals and Traitors..."270AD: Quintillus "Champion of the Senate" Timeline 270-275AD: Aurelian "The illiterate military genius..." Roman Emperors Timeline267-273AD: Zenobia "The Warrior Queen..." Timeline Interregnum - A Period of about 6 Months when the Empire was without an Emperor. 275-276AD: Tacitus "The Emperor who followed the Interregnum..." 276AD: Florianus "The Emperor who ruled for 88 days..."276-282AD: Probus "The Emperor who believed that idle hands make mischief..." 282-283AD: Carus "The Frugal emperor..." Timeline283-284AD: Numerian "The Emperor whose body was left to rot..." 283-285AD: Carinus "The debauched Emperor suspected of incest..."285AD: Nigrian "Was this infant the product of incest?" Timeline 284-285AD: Julian of Pannonia "The last usurper before the Roman Empire was split..."In 285 the Roman Empire was split in half by Diocletian 284-305AD: Diocletian "The Emperor who split the Roman Empire..." 286-305AD *** 306 - 308 AD *** 310 AD: Maximianus(with Diocletian 286-305AD, and ruled again after a brief abdication 306-308 and then again in 310AD)287-293AD: Carausius "The Usurper Emperor of the Britannic Empire..." Timeline 293-296AD: Allectus "The second Usurper Emperor of the Britannic Empire..."296-297AD: Domitius Domitianus "The Usurper Emperor of Egypt..." Timeline 305-306AD: Constantius Chlorus "The Emperor who recovered Brittania..."305-311AD: Galerius "The Emperor who persecuted the Christians but eventually begged for their prayers..." 306-312AD: Maxentius "The Usurper Emperor who provoked another Civil War..."306-309: Valerius Romulus "The Boy Emperor who came from a family of Emperors..." 306-307AD: Severus II "The Emperor who was murdered at Tres Tabernae..." 307-337AD: Constantine the Great "The Christian Emperor who united the Empire..."309-313AD: Maximinus "Killed in Tarsus with his wife and children ..." 308-311AD: Domitius Alexander "The usurper Emperor of Africa..." Timeline308-324AD: Licinius I "The Emperor who fought against Constantine the Great..." 314AD: Valerian Valens "The Emperor whose death formed part of a peace treaty..."317-324AD: Licinius II "The Son of the Emperor who plotted with the Goths..." 317-326AD: Crispus "The Caesar who was falsely accused of treason..."323-324AD: Sextus Martinianus "Executed on orders from Constantine" 335-337AD: Delmatius "The Emperor who died in a blood bath..." Timeline335-337AD: Hannibalianus "Ruled as 'Rex' or King..." Timeline 337-340AD: Constantine II "Killed fighting over territory with his brother..."337-350AD: Constans "The Emperor who was put to death by an ambitious soldier..." 337-361AD: Constantius II "The second and worst of the sons of Constantine the Great..."350-353AD: Magnentius "The Christian Emperor who fell on his sword..." 351-353AD: Decentius "The Usurper Emperor who hung himself..."350AD: Vetranio "The Emperor who was stripped of the purple ..." 350AD: Nepotian "The Emperor who had his head paraded on a spear..."351-354AD: Constantius Gallus "His pardon failed to reach the executioner..." 360-363AD: Julian the Apostate "The Last non-Christian Roman Emperor..."363-364AD: Jovian "The Emperor who re-established Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire..." 364-375AD: Valentinian I "The Emperor given to fits of rage..." Timeline364-378AD: Valens "The Emperor who allowed the Goths to settle on Roman territory..." 365-366AD: Procopius "The last of the Constantinian dynasty dies..."367-383AD: Gratian "The Emperor who was deserted and murdered by his soldiers..." 375-392AD: Valentinian II "The Emperor who was strangled to death..."379-395AD: Theodosius I "The Emperor who resisted the Barbarians..." 383-388AD: Magnus "Was this Emperor the nephew of Old King Cole?" 383-408AD: Arcadius "The Emperor who engaged Alaric the Goth to be the guardian of the Eastern empire..." Roman Emperors Timeline387-388AD: Flavius Victor "The Usurper whose mother was a Queen of the Britons..." 392-394AD: Eugenius "Executed by beheading" Roman Emperors Timeline393-423AD: Honorius "The End of the Gladiators and the Sack of Rome..." 400-404AD: Arcadius "Dominated by Rufinus..." Roman Emperors Timeline402-450AD: Theodosius II "The Emperor who introduced the law code of Theodosius II..." 407-411AD: Constantine III "The Usurper Emperor who was ordained priest hoping for mercy..."408-411AD: Constans II "The Usurper Emperor who was betrayed by his general..." 409-410: Priscus Attalus "The Usurper Emperor who was banished..." 409-410 & 414-415AD411-413AD: Jovinus "The Emperor who defeated at the siege of Valence..." 412-413AD: Sebastianus "The Usurper Emperor whose head was sent to the imperial court..." Roman Emperors Timeline421AD: Constantius III "The Emperor who retrieved the western empire from the brink of disaster..." 423-425AD: Ioannes "Captured, mutilated and while still living, set upon an ass in the Roman Circus and finally killed..."425-455AD: Valentinian III "The Vandals were coming and so was Attila the Hun..." 450-457AD: Marcian "The Emperor who refused to recognize the emperors of the West"455AD: Petronius Maximus "The Assassin Emperor..." Roman Emperors Timeline 455-456AD: Avitus "The Emperor who was backed by the Visigoths..."457-474AD: Leo I "The Emperor who was known as 'the great Thracian' by friends and 'the Butcher' by his enemies..." Roman Emperors Timeline 457-461AD: Majorian "The Emperor who gained victories over the Franks & Vandals..."461-465AD: Libius Severus "The Puppet Emperor who was probably poisoned..." 467-472AD: Anthemius "The Emperor who believed that he was a victim of sorcery..."472AD: Olybrius "Pawn of Ricimer, who died of dropsy..." Roman Emperors Timeline 473-474AD: Glycerius "The Exiled Emperor ..." Roman Emperors Timeline474-475AD: Julius Nepos "The Emperor who was killed by the man he had deposed..." 475-476AD: Romulus Augustus "The Last Roman Emperor..."Eastern Empire (Byzantine) Timeline of Roman Emperors - Dates the Emperors Ruled Timeline of Gallic Emperors 253-255AD: Valerian II 259AD: Saloninus260-261AD: Macrianus 260-261AD: Quietus260AD: Regalianus 259-268AD: Postumus268AD: Laelianus 268AD: Marius268-270AD: Victorinus 270-273AD: Tetricus I270-273AD: Tetricus II Timeline of Roman Emperors - Dates the Emperors RuledTimeline of Roman Emperors - the Usurpers or Pretenders Timeline of Roman Emperors