Roman Gods and GoddessesBacchus Roman God: Bacchus - God of Wine Ceres Roman Goddess: Ceres - Goddess of Agriculture Cupid Roman God: Cupid - God of Love Diana Roman Goddess: Diana - Goddess of Hunting Fauna Roman Goddess: Goddess of Animals Flora Roman Goddess: Flora - Goddess of Flowers and Spring Fortuna Roman Goddess: Fortuna - Goddess of Fortune Janus Roman God: Janus - God of Doors and beginnings and endings Juno Roman Goddess: Juno - Goddess of Marriage Jupiter aka Jove Roman God: Jupiter - King of the Gods and the God of the sky and rain (aka Jove) Mars Roman God: Mars - God of War Mercury Roman God: Mercury - Messenger of the Gods and of Commerce and Finance Minerva Roman Goddess: Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom, the City, Education, Science and War Neptune Roman God: Neptune - God of the Sea Pluto Roman God: Pluto - God of the Underworld Saturn Roman God: Saturn - God of Harvest and Agriculture Venus Roman Goddess: Venus - Goddess of Love and Beauty Vesta Roman Goddess: Vesta - Goddess of the Hearth and the Roman state Vulcan Roman God: Vulcan - God of Fire, the Forge and Blacksmiths List of Names Roman Gods and Goddesses (Minor) The following table contains a list of Roman Gods and Goddesses (minor): Minor Roman Gods & Goddesses Names of Roman Gods and Goddesses: Description of what the Roman Gods presided over Abundantia: Abundantia - Goddess of Abundance and Prosperity aesculapius: aesculapius - God of Health and Medicine Aurora: Aurora - Goddess of the dawn Bubona: Bubona - Goddess of cattleCandelifera: Candelifera - Goddess of childbirth Carmenta: Carmenta - Goddess of Childbirth and ProphecyClementia: Clementia - Goddess of forgiveness and mercy Cloacina: Cloacina - Goddess who presided over the sewers in RomeConcordia: Concordia: Goddess of agreement Cybele: Cybele - Earth MotherDeverra: Deverra - Goddess of midwives and women in labor Discordia: Discordia - Goddess of Discord Edesia: Edesia - Goddess of food who presided over banquetsEpona: Epona - God of horses Fabulinus: Fabulinus - God of childrenFama: Fama - Goddess of fame and rumor Felicitas: Felicitas - Goddess of good luck and successFides: Fides - Goddess of loyalty Hercules Roman God: Hercules - God of strengthHespera: Hespera - Goddess of dusk Hippona: Hippona - Goddess of horsesHonos: Honos - God of military honours and chivalry Invidia: Invidia - Goddess of envy or jealousy Iris: Iris - Goddess of the rainbow Justitia: Justitia - Goddess of justice Juventas: Juventas - Goddess of youth Libertas: Libertas - Goddess of freedomLibitina: Libitina - Goddess of death, corpses and funerals Luna: Luna - Goddess of the moon Mithras: Mithras - God worshipped by Roman soldiers Muta: Muta - Goddess of silenceNecessitas: Necessitas - Goddess of destiny Nemesis: Nemesis - Goddess of revengeOpis: Opis - Goddess of Fertility Pax: Pax - Goddess of peacePietas: Pietas - Goddess of duty Pomona: Pomona - Goddess of fruit treesPortunes: Portunes - God of Keys Proserpina: Proserpina - Goddess of Grain and Queen of the DeadSancus: Sancus - God of loyalty, honesty, and oaths Sol Invictus: Sol Invictus - sun God Somnus: Somnus - God of sleep Sors: Sors - God of luckSpes: Spes - Goddess of hope Tempestes: Tempestes - Goddess of stormsTranquillitas: Tranquillitas - Goddess of peace and tranquillity Trivia: Trivia - Goddess of magicVeritas: Veritas - Goddess of virtue and truth Victoria: Victoria - Goddess of victoryVoluptas: Voluptas - Goddess of pleasure Volturnus: Volturnus - God of Water List of Roman Gods The names of the above List of Roman Gods and Goddesses echo down the ages and are similar to the Latin words that have been assimilated into the English language. Roman Gods and Goddesses The content of this Roman Gods and Goddesses category on life in Ancient Rome provides free educational details, facts and information for reference and research for schools, colleges and homework. Refer to the Colosseum Sitemap for a comprehensive search on interesting different categories containing the history, facts and information about Ancient Rome. |